Adriana Gonzalez Angarita, Environmental Scientist - Limnologist

Adriana Gonzalez Angarita, Environmental Scientist - Limnologist


I am a Biologist with a wide experience in the monitoring and characterization of aquatic ecosystems; focused on the environmental planning for strategic ecosystems, regional conservation areas, and river basin management plans. In addition, I have participated in the development of environmental impact assessments, including the evaluation of water related issues for several projects in Colombia. Aforementioned experience involved the interaction of stakeholders and institutions along the progress of the projects.

My professional background and experience allowed me to learn, understand, and analyze ecological processes in both: tropical and temperate ecosystems. This, enhanced my capacity to integrate the current scientific knowledge with my previous experience working on interdisciplinary teams, improving my ability to analyze and understand the environmental needs from a holistic way.


Industry experience

Education: Masters

Years of experience: 10 to 20 years
