lyseconcept jean Marius, Biotechnology for the purification and processing of excrement, in natural fertilizer, in liquid form, for fertilizant at Lyseconcept
01_ The concept
A biotech concept
A biological - LIFE alliance, of appropriate technology, the "Fosse Biologique
process" lyseconcept completed by a plant biodiversity
A révolution
-Living - on land is managed by a life cycle which the loop should close. Any
human, technical intrusion prevents this process
The biological is exclusive and refuses any compromise.
The process "Fosse Biologique"lyseconcept is 100% septic
02_ The objective
The cycle of life
-Living - on our planet is < Organic Matter >. It must disappear as soon as the
cessation of the flow of LIFE to feed the living.
Wastewater, such as all "biologique waste", so participate to the reproduction
and development of the living.1
Biological remediation
A master plan for treatment of treatment of wastewater with a comprehensive,
definitive, ecological, economic and productive solution without any production
of residues.
The Director of sanitation urban and rural organic schema
It include both current types of sanitation (urban and rural) by only one: the généraly
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- Location: TOULON, France
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Industry experience
Education: High School
Seniority: Expert, Engineer, Consultant
Years of experience: 10 to 20 years
Work experience
Biological treatment purification of waste waters2002-01-01 - Present
Gérant Biological treatment cleansing purification of waste waters
Une solution globale et définitive de traitement d'EPURATION des excréments avec un recyclage immédiat du rejet d'eau en sortie du procédé pour l'arrosage du jardin potagerMinistry of Environment and Tourism, Mongolia
2002-01-01 - Present
- Agronomics
- Aeration
- Fertilizer
- Environment & Water
- Water sanitation
- Water microbiology
- Packaging
- Air Purification