Pratik Desai, Research & Innovations Director

Pratik Desai, Research & Innovations Director


 R&I Director, MEng (1st hons), PhD: Microbubble generation, fluidic expertise, co-inventor of Desai-Zimmerman Fluidic Oscillator, and pioneering work on hot microbubble injection in thin liquid layers including scale up.  Pratik has extensive experience in microbubble generation, visualisation, fluid dynamics, non-equilibrium thermodynamics and associated phenomena, fluidics and reaction catalysis. He has worked on/working on lab scale and scale up of 4 different pilot plant processes developing several new technologies. He has designed disruptive solutions to conventional unit operations (microbubble distiller/condenser, microbubble stripper, and microbubble sorption) and translated them from blue-sky research ideas to POC and pilot scale within 2 years. He has also managed several projects and led technical innovations including implementation of microbubbles for ammonia-water- carbon dioxide reaction dynamics and catalysis, bioethanol production and separation, bioreactor design, bagged microbial reactors, fermenters, aquaculture, anaerobic digestion enhancement, foam dynamics, CO2 capture and sequestration–with Ionic liquids, MEA, and mineral carbonation, biodiesel production, micro/nanobubble drug delivery and WWA-self actuated wastewater aeration unit. He has also worked on algal based engineered communities in order to selectively uptake heavy metal ions from waste streams as well as algal growth and bioreactor development. Following on that, he is working on the ‘waste factory’- a concept developed by him and Prof.Zimmerman which works towards a cascading circular economy approach in order to remediate waste and generate products; converting liabilities and remediating the waste streams into valorised products and energy-‘Waste Factory’-DZ MMARP.He is sole inventor of an energy efficient micro/nanodroplet generation method and a novel gas enrichment processing solution. He is lead technologist on the €2.3M Z-fuels project and Industrial lead on a NERC grant focussing on scale up which is a follow up of the POC grant he was co-I. He is also leading several grants and has consulted over 40 industrial collaborators and industrial projects.


Industry experience

Education: PhD

Seniority: Manager, Director, Professor
